Macrotemi, asset e posizionamento italiano nell’Unione Europea e nel mercato globale
Gianmario VeronaRector, Bocconi
Gianmario Verona is Rector of Bocconi University. He is a Professor of Management specialized on the strategic management of technology and innovation, with a focus on the theme of digital transformation. He has been Visiting Professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and Visiting Scholar at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Before being appointed Rector, he served Bocconi as Dean of the Faculty, Director of the MBA program and Director of the PhD in Business Administration. He is author of over 70 academic articles and 5 books and has published in all the leading management journals. Over the years he has collaborated with many Global500 companies, innovative multinationals and newly founded startups in terms of applied research, executive education and consulting activity.
Ferruccio RestaRector of the Politecnico di Milano and President of the CRUI
Ferruccio Resta is Rector of the Politecnico di Milano and President of the CRUI (Conference of Italian University Rectors). Born in 1968, he graduated in Mecha- nical Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, where in 2004, he became Full Professor of Applied Mechanics. Since 2017, he has been at the helm of the top technical university in Italy and one of the top twenty in Europe in its three areas of study and research: architecture, design and engineering. In 2019, he was elected Secretary General of the CRUI, before being appointed President the following year. Resta is a Commander of the Italian Republic, a title bestowed upon him by President Sergio Mattarella.
Rosalba ReggioJournalist, Il Sole 24 Ore
Rosalba Reggio is head of the Sole 24 Ore web TV. She is involved in finance, economics, business and economic policy. She joined the 24 Ore group in 2001, she worked for four years at 24oretv, where she conducted live economics and finance programs and updates on the financial markets. After working on Radio 24 in 2005, since 2013 you have been responsible for coordinating video activities and developing the Sole 24 Ore web TV. She conducts a weekly market program and a live broadcast on economic issues. She manages the daily production of video comments, make reportages and produce a documentary on different topics every month.
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: May 09 2022
- Time: 6:05 am - 6:35 am