
May 13 2022


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Selezioni finali (top 5 winners per category) final round


  • Enrico Mercadante
    Enrico Mercadante
    Director, Architectures & Innovation, South Europe, Cisco

    Direttore delle Architetture e dell’Innovazione per il Sud Europa.
    In precedenza ha guidato le iniziative di Cisco Italia in materia di innovazione, architettura e trasformazione digitale. Ancor prima ha ricoperto il ruolo di Leader del team tecnico di prevendita in Sud Europa e lo sviluppo del business cloud dell’azienda in quella regione.
    È stato anche Systems Architect e Presales Manager per i clienti di telecomunicazioni degli operatori locali di Cisco in Italia.
    Prima di entrare in Cisco nel 2000, Enrico ha lavorato in Ericsson come Product Manager per il Radio Access over IP a Stoccolma e come Systems Architect in Italia.
    È laureato in Ingegneria con specializzazione in telecomunicazioni. Enrico ha una irrefrenabile passione per lo sport all’aria aperta (bici, surf, sci, vela), la musica e il buon cibo.

  • PierPaolo Carini
    PierPaolo Carini
    CEO, Egea

    PierPaolo Carini was born in Genoa on November 4th 1964. He graduated with honors in Electronic Engineering in 1988 at the University of Pavia, a student of the historic Ghislieri College. He then completed his training at the Université de Montréal (Canada), specializing in Automatic. Following in the footsteps of his father Emanuele, PierPaolo began his entrepreneurial career in the early 1990s in Egea, “Ente Gestione Energia e Ambiente” (Energy and Environment Management Authority), becoming first an Executive and then, in 1994 CEO, a role he still holds today. Currently he is also Chairman of the Group’s Management Board.
    Under his leadership, Egea is growing exponentially, in terms of managed services (in the energy and environment sectors), financial results (today almost one billion in turnover), number of employees (about 1200) and authority, transforming itself from a reality engaged in gas distribution in the city of Alba alone to a multi-utility appreciated throughout Italy for the quality and efficiency of its energy and environmental services, as well as for the natural inclination to establish synergies with local Administrations and the private realities of reference in the territory (many of which are part of the shareholding structure of the Group), for which it makes “tailor-made” projects available. Industrial expertise and passion for the territory are the key elements of this virtuous model. A model that is presented as a good practice of sustainable industrial development in conferences, debates and university research of national and international importance.
    All these phonomena lead Eng. Carini to collaborate as a lecturer at some of the most important Italian universities, including the “Bocconi” in Milan, and to sit alongside the main national energy operators and stakeholders of reference in the business and financial world in numerous events dedicated to the deepening of issues such as energy and environmental management, the development of multi-utility and public services.
    Since 2007 PierPaolo Carini has been national vice-president of Assogas (Associazione Nazionale Industriali Privati Gas e Servizi Energetici); since 2014 he has been vice-president of Confindustria Cuneo, an association where he also served as president of the Energy Section. He is also a member of the Council of the Cuneo Chamber of Commerce and the North West Territorial Council of UniCredit.
    He is married, with one daughter.

  • Silvia Benzi
    Silvia Benzi
    Head of Strategy, Sustainability & IR, illimity Bank

    Graduated in Economics and Management at the University of Bologna, Silvia has 20 years of experience in the financial sector with expertise in Corporate Development, Strategic Planning, M&A and IR.
    She started her career in JP Morgan as equity analyst and continued with a consulting experience in PWC and in investment management as Buy side Analyst on the European financial sector in a hedge fund.
    In illimity she is Head of Strategy, Sustainability & Investor Relations.

  • Federico Silvestri
    Federico Silvestri
    CEO 24 Ore Eventi

    Federico Silvestri has been General Manager since 1 October 2018 of 24 ORE System, the advertising agency of the 24 ORE Group. He is currently also Managing Director of 24 Ore Cultura and Sole 24 Ore Eventi and General Manager of Radio 24. On behalf of the 24 ORE Group, he is also Managing Director of the subsidiaries 24 Ore U.K. and 24 Ore U.s.a., President of T.E.R. (Tavolo Editori Radiofonici), and board member of PER (Player Editori Radiofonici) and AUDIPRESS; he is member of the Federal Council of FCP (Federazione delle Concessionarie Pubblicità), and member of the General Council of Confindustria Radio TV, of AICC Confindustria (Associaz. Imprese Culturali e Creative) and ASSOLOMBARDA (Media Group).
    Born in Milan in 1971, a graduate in law at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Silvestri has held various positions during his professional career with some of the major publishing groups and advertising agencies.
    He started out in the personal finance area at Deutsche Bank, then moved on to the Radiocor division of the 24 ORE Group as Account Manager for Major Clients. In 2001, he took part in the start-up of e.Biscom (later Fastweb). After three years in the Broadcast division of RCS MediaGroup, which dealt with radio and content production, he was appointed Business Development Manager at Ansa.
    During his following 10 year-stint at PRS Mediagroup, where he was CEO of all the Group companies, he was in charge of advertising sales and led the Group in the expansion of business in the publishing field through a series of start-ups and acquisitions.

  • Orson Francescone
    Orson Francescone
    Managing Director, FT Live at Financial Times

    Orson Francescone has worked in the b2b media and events industry for over 15 years. He has led global conference and exhibitions businesses for Euromoney Institutional Investor, the Daily Mail Group and Haymarket Media. Since November 2019 he is Managing Director of FT Live, the global event business of the Financial Times. Throughout his career he has specialised at enabling publishers to monetise their audiences and drive high margin revenues via all formats of events. From conferences, to awards to large scale exhibitions and trade shows and more recently through digital events. He has launched and run some of the world’s most successful and award winning events including Gastec, the Festival of Work and, more recently The Global Boardroom .

  • Vittorio Foschi
    Vittorio Foschi
    CEO, Technacy

    Vittorio Foschi, founder and CEO of Technacy, joined the ITC world in 1990. These were the years when TLC became the vectors of economic growth and cultural and social change around the world. In 2011, he founded Technacy. The name is a word in the Australian language, which identifies between innovation and everyday life of people. It indicates the place where and how his company operates. It is a new model of open innovation that creates platforms and applications, now chosen by Italian and international TLC big players. His key words are: Evolution in Mobility. From this comes the attention to young people, to those who are able to read the needs of questions and transform them together with Technacy in new TLC solutions.

  • Silvia de Dominicis
    Silvia de Dominicis
    Presidente ed Amministratore Delegato, Johnson & Johnson MedTech Italia

    Silvia De Dominicis ha iniziato la sua carriera in Johnson & Johnson nel 1995 nell’ambito della Direzione Finanziaria, ricoprendo, successivamente, ruoli di sempre maggiore responsabilità quali Business Operations, Market Access e Marketing Strategico, ruoli di business nei mercati dell’Ortopedia e Chirurgia Generale per l’Italia, la Grecia ed Israele.
    Nel 2015 è stata nominata Vice President Ethicon EMEA (Europa, Medio Oriente ed Africa), responsabile delle strategie regionali per lo sviluppo del business della Chirurgia Generale (oncologia chirurgica, chirurgia bariatrica, ecc), gestendo un ampio portafoglio prodotti, dalle suture chirurgiche ai dispositivi medici per la laparoscopia, emostatici e prodotti per l’oncologia chirurgica.
    Nel 2018 è stata nominata Presidente ed Amministratore Delegato di Johnson & Johnson MedTech Italia.

    Silvia si è laureata in Economia presso l’Università LUISS Guido Carli, e si è sempre distinta nello sviluppo delle persone e l’orientamento al raggiungimento dei risultati.
    Silvia ha fatto del Credo Johnson & Johnson la sua personale passione lungo tutto l’arco della sua carriera, mettendo Pazienti, Clienti e le Persone sempre al centro dei suoi pensieri.
    E’ responsabile a livello globale dell’iniziativa J&J WLI (Women Leadership and Inclusion) e nel 2014 è stata nominata J&J “Rising Star” dall’organizzazione HBA (Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association) e Vice Presidente di Confindustria Dispositivi Medici, l’associazione confindustriale che rappresenta il settore dei dispositivi medici.

    Nell’Aprile 2020 è stata inserita nella lista delle top 100 donne leader più influenti in Italia dalla rivista Forbes e nell’Ottobre 2021 è stata inserita da Forbes nella lista dei 100 manager che stanno guidando le aziende del Paese fuori dalla crisi pandemica.

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: May 13 2022
  • Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am

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